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Teamwork makes the dream work in out of province roadside rescue

Close up of a flat tire on the road on a sunny day    

My 94-year-old mom and I had travelled from BC to Alberta to enjoy a lovely UFest Edmonton Ukrainian Festival celebration, as well as visit with some long-time friends. On the last morning, we were heading homeward and just about 20 minutes west of Calgary my back right tire blew out!

Fortunately, I did not lose control and I managed to pull to the side of the road. My mom had her BCAA Membership card so we called the number and were immediately put in touch with the closest AMA help service. The assistance was amazing!

An Auto Service Technician was sent to help us out, and she was incredible! She assessed the situation and called for help to divert the fast-moving traffic. She proceeded to help us unload our large Costco purchases and, with much difficulty, accessed my spare tire (which had never seen daylight, thus was pretty much seized to its mooring) and changed the tire. She then helped reload everything and sent us on our way to Cochrane, with caution to not travel over 80 km per hour, where the tire dealer was able to install two new tires for me.

My only regret is that I did not get a name in order to express my gratitude! It was very reassuring to see how the two provincial Automotive Associations worked together to help us in our great time of need.

Sheila, Clare and Jean

Person on phone

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