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Car Battery issue almost ruined a special birthday dinner

woman with broken down car calling on phone

I am a big procrastinator. One day I noticed some weird things happening on my dashboard but figured it was an ongoing issue with the car's electrical. Just when I was getting ready to leave for my godchild’s birthday dinner, I turned my key, and the car made a sound of rrrr… and all the lights went on, but the engine didn't turn over.

I was going to call BCAA the next day to get it towed to the shop thinking maybe it was the alternator. Then I remembered that BCAA had a battery service truck so I thought to myself why not call and see if they can determine what is wrong?

Moe showed up and was all smiles from the moment I encountered him. He explained all the possibilities and the tests he performed did show I had a battery problem. He was shocked that my battery lasted that long. I had no idea since the car was a gift from my dad and he didn't tell me when he last changed the battery. All in all, Moe saved the day and the special birthday dinner and also saved me missing work to bring the car to the shop the next day. Great job!!


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