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Health Insurance 101: Help protect yourself with BCAA Health & Dental Insurance

At BCAA, we believe your health is your most valuable asset. To be as healthy as can be, here are some great reasons and ways to boost your healthcare coverage.

First, the public healthcare insurance, Medical Services Plan (MSP), has a few key gaps in coverage where you could benefit from a protective top-up.

What does MSP cover?

In British Columbia, we’re fortunate to have so many of our healthcare needs met through our publicly funded Canadian healthcare system.

MSP covers the cost of medically necessary insured doctor services. For example, whenever you need medical help to treat an injury, sickness, or medical condition (or even to deliver your baby), MSP pays for your visits and treatments so you’re not spending thousands of dollars out of your own pocket.

The gaps in MSP coverage

The downside to our healthcare system is the absence of coverage for certain important health services, procedures and treatments. MSP does not provide coverage for services that are not considered medically necessary, such as:

  • Vision and eye care – so you often pay for your eye exams, lenses or glasses
  • Hearing aids
  • Prescription drugs
  • Dental care – you’ll have to find another way to pay for check-ups, fillings, cleanings, scaling, x-rays and extractions
  • Alternative preventative and rehabilitative treatments like physiotherapy, massage therapy, occupational therapy, chiropractic, osteopathic and naturopathic treatments or acupuncture
  • Counsellors or psychologists

If you bear the cost of these important treatments and services that are not covered under MSP, the expenses can quickly become a financial burden. That means it’s worth evaluating your personal health needs. If you may be spending a lot on your healthcare or have health concerns that can lead to big expenses down the road, private personal health insurance can save you a lot of money. This is why we highly recommend you supplement your basic MSP coverage with a BCAA Health & Dental Insurance plan.

Two people playing basketball

Why BCAA? 

If you’re not fully protected through MSP or a private health insurance plan (or your employer’s extended health group plan is about to change or end), BCAA Health & Dental Insurance is here for you. Having an appropriate personal health insurance policy can help complement your existing health coverage plans where you need it most. We can help you:

Cover unexpected costs

Sure, your basic health needs are covered by MSP, but you still pay for some of your health coverage in BC. BCAA Health & Dental Insurance can help make sure you aren't paying completely out of pocket for sudden, unexpected expenses.

Plan ahead

Knowing the gaps in MSP and understanding your employer or group coverage can help make sure you and your family have the coverage you need. Check your policy to see what is and isn’t included.

Help save you money

When you take care of your health now, you give yourself a better chance of avoiding suffering serious illnesses or paying for expensive treatments or surgeries later. Personal insurance helps you get the care and services you need to stay healthy now, without bearing the entire costs out of pocket.

Get the health and dental coverage you need at the right price

Choose BCAA to protect your health and dental wellness and you’ll get all this starting from $1 a day!*:

  • ✓ Coverage for vision, dental care, prescription drugs and registered specialists
  • ✓ 24/7 access to healthcare professionals online
  • ✓ Access to mental health support and other wellness therapies
  • ✓ Flexible options to meet your needs and budget

Benefits of individual coverage versus group coverage

When it comes to health insurance, you can get individual coverage – either public or private – or a group benefits plan, when you’re covered along with a group of people by your employer, union or association.

There are three main differences between individual and group coverage:

Control of your coverage

An individual plan gives you the flexibility to customize coverage to suit your specific needs. If you have a group coverage plan, your employer chooses which health and dental benefits to provide and how much coverage you receive.


A group benefits plan only provides coverage while you work for that employer. The moment that changes, your coverage also ends. Individual coverage allows you to take your benefits with you regardless of your job situation.

Medical evidence

Medical evidence isn’t required for group health insurance like it is for individual health insurance. However, if you transition to a new job or self-employment, it’s important to have continuous coverage before any health conditions become a pre-existing condition. Underlying health conditions will impact the premiums you pay, and you may not be able to get coverage with certain pre-existing conditions.

Woman in dentist chair

Enhanced healthcare helps people outside the typical 9-5

BCAA Health & Dental Insurance can be an excellent choice for people who do not have typical employment group benefits. This includes:

  • Part-time employees
  • Contract workers
  • Self-employed
  • Retirees
  • Professionals
  • Students
  • Employees whose employer group insurance is ending. For example, if you’ve left a company, changed jobs or careers, been laid off or just started a new job with a probationary period.

Think about health coverage before you leave a job

A group health care plan provides coverage for medical expenses while you’re employed. But if you change jobs, careers, retire or get laid off, those benefits may no longer be available. Suddenly you’ll have to pay for routine medical expenses and those costs can quickly build into a stressful mountain of debt.

We recommend you fill the gap in coverage with FollowMe™ Health Insurance through BCAA and Manulife. With FollowMe™ Health Insurance through BCAA, your protection follows you and helps protect you from ongoing or unexpected health care expenses. Simply apply within 90 days of your group health benefits' expiry and your acceptance is guaranteed – and you will not need to undergo any medical examination when you apply**.

Protect your health, mind and teeth for years to come

At BCAA, our purpose is to keep you moving forward, protected and healthy for a long and happy life. Getting a quote on BCAA Health & Dental Insurance is easy and only takes a few minutes online. We offer you a variety of plans at affordable rates (affordable plans start at $1 a day) so you only pay for what you need. Learn more and get a quote today at

*Applies to the Basic Extended Health Care product - individual rate aged 44 and under. Rates are not guaranteed and are subject to change at any time.

**FollowMe™ Health Plans are not intended to, and will not, provide the exact same coverage that you may have had under your group or existing health insurance plan.

Health and Dental Insurance is sold through B.C.A.A. Holdings Ltd. dba BCAA Insurance Agency, a licensed insurance agent, and underwritten by the Manufacturers Life Insurance Company (Manulife Financial). Manulife, Manulife & Stylized M Design, Stylized M Design, and FollowMe are trademarks of The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and are used by it, and by its affiliates under license. Manulife, P.O. Box 670, Stn Waterloo, ON N2J 4B8. © 2021 The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company. All rights reserved. Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. Visit for more information.