Outsmart high gas prices
Sure, BC historically has the highest gas prices (and living costs) across Canada—but are we really that numb to soaring prices? With gas price records being broken one after the other, surely many of us are starting to feel that pinch at the pump.
In BCAA’s last Gas Prices survey, many of us living in BC said prices would need to reach $1.80 per litre to get us to make changes. But things just got real when gas prices actual hit $1.79 a litre in BC for regular fuel—just a fraction shy of our tolerance threshold.
And here’s more—our survey also showed that many of us would make major sacrifices to our budgets and lifestyle to keep driving. Spending less on leisure activities and everyday essentials, or delaying payments are some of the top actions we’d take first.
But what if there’s a better way to get through the hitch of high gas prices that didn’t require so much giving up of blank that you love to do and your favourite blank ? (You fill in the blanks) 😊
Reports show gas prices are likely to rise and stay at dizzying heights for a while, maybe even a long while. To help you make the most of your spring and summer, we’ve put together easy ways for you to conserve gas and offset fuel costs so that you can keep enjoying blank and blank with your friends and family.

Lighten that lead foot
37% – that’s the amount of increase in our fuel consumption when we make aggressive accelerations like jack-rabbit starts, tailgating and weaving through traffic. And here’s the thing—it doesn’t necessarily get us there faster. Instead, we’d use up less fuel by staying within the speed limit and driving at a steady speed. All it means is we need to give ourselves a bit more extra time to get to our destination.
Plan your trips
Whenever you can, avoid high-traffic areas and peak traffic times, including on weekends. And try to consolidate errands. Because we’re already out and about, we often end up driving less kilometres in between destinations compared to running errands on separate occasions starting from home each time.
Know when to fill up
Monitor gas prices regularly so you know when it’s a good time to fill up. Download the BCAA App to access Gas Price Monitor which shows you gas prices and station locations near you or along your route to help you find the cheapest gas. Be careful not to waste precious fuel by driving too far out of the way.
Keep a half tank of gas
Some of us may be tempted to hold off on a trip to the station. But it’s important to keep at least half a tank of gas to avoid problems like fuel pump failure, trapped dirt in your tank or even running out of gas on the road (yes, it does happen). BCAA Members, if you find yourself out of gas, just give us a call and we’ll be there. One of the many great BCAA Membership benefits is free gas delivery if you run out. Learn more about the fuel delivery benefits that come with your Membership.
Make your car efficient
Lighten the load and make your car more aerodynamic by removing excess weight and roof racks when you’re not using them. And, get your car serviced which includes keeping your tires properly inflated according to the manufacturers recommendation. Operating a vehicle with just one tire underinflated can increase your vehicle's fuel consumption by 4%!
Come into your local BCAA Auto Service Centre for a Spring Service Package AND A FREE 42-point inspection starting at $58 which includes a wheel alignment check, 4-tire rotation and battery check. BCAA Members also get a free car wash!
Drive only when you need to
If you live in or near the city and have been thinking about changing your main mode of transportation to cycling, public transit or just walking more—now’s a great time to do it! And, if you live in the Lower Mainland, you can use Evo Car Share for the times you really need to drive. Pay only for what you use because Evo covers the rest. Evo’s per minute rate includes gas, insurance, parking and unlimited kilometres.

Wondering if you can afford that spring or summer trip?
You don’t have to sacrifice the annual family vacation or other getaways and fun activities just because gas prices are high. There are ways you can save using your BCAA Membership to help offset the cost of fuel.
As a BCAA Member, you’re automatically part of one of the largest loyalty programs in the country which gives you savings on everyday items, special activities and travel expenses such as accommodations and dining. Visit bcaa.com/waystosave to get exclusive deals, discounts and special offers or earn CAA Dollars® at over 100,000 partner locations worldwide.