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Canada Post experienced a labour disruption that could continue to delay your mail. Find more info, including how to check your BCAA Membership & Insurance renewals, here.

What’s covered

When the declaration page indicates the Mobile Electronic Device Coverage applies, we agree to amend your coverages and limits of insurance to include your mobile electronic device up to a maximum limit as shown on the declaration page.

You're insured against all risks of direct physical loss or damage subject to the exclusions and conditions in this coverage.

The maximum aggregate payable per mobile electronic device in any twelve (12) month policy period is limited to the amount of insurance shown on the declaration page under this coverage.

Extra Coverage

These extra coverages don’t increase the amounts of insurance stated for this coverage.

You may apply up to the limit of coverage for the following:

  1. For the loss of downloaded data as a result of loss or damage to the insured mobile electronic device from an insured peril;
  2. For the cost of reactivating or purchasing a new phone plan as a result of loss or damage to the insured mobile electronic device from an insured peril;
  3. For changes to your account for unauthorized calls made within the twenty-four (24) hour period after a loss has been reported to BCAA as a result of theft or disappearance to the insured mobile electronic device.

The maximum payable for any one (1) or a combination of the above extra coverages is limited to the amount shown on the declaration page for this coverage.

What’s not covered

There isn’t any coverage for:

  1. any property illegally acquired or used;
  2. loss or damage caused by any intentional or criminal act or failure to act by:
  3. a.  any person insured by this coverage; or

    b.  any other person at the direction of any person insured by this coverage;

  4. loss or damage caused by wear and tear, marring, or scratching caused by accident, earthquake, flood or by pets;
  5. loss or damage caused by theft or disappearance if you have not registered your phone with a recovery company and have not adhered to the compulsory identification requirements;
  6. loss or damage caused by theft or disappearance if the loss occurs within forty-eight (48) hours from the effective date and time of this coverage;
  7. any consequential loss arising from the inability to use the mobile electronic device;
  8. any consequential loss or damage as a result of using the mobile electronic device.

How claims are paid

We’ll pay for an insured loss or damage up to your financial interest in the mobile electronic device but not exceeding the limits of insurance shown on the declaration page, for any loss or damage arising out of one (1) occurrence.

A forty-eight (48) hour waiting period will apply after a loss is reported to BCAA before claim investigation will proceed.


We’ll pay only the amount by which the loss or damage insured exceeds the deductible stated on the declaration page for this coverage, in any one (1) occurrence.


The coverage is subject to the definitions contained in Section 5 Definitions of the policy except as modified or added by the definitions contained within this coverage.

“Downloaded Data” means transferred information, in any form, from an external computer to the mobile electronic device.

“Phone Plan” means for a fee a contract with a telephone service provider for the purpose of data communication.

“Recovery Company” means a lost and found service provider that charges a fee for its recovery services.

“Unauthorized Calls” means any communication made or received without consent of any person insured by this coverage.

All other terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of the policy continue to apply.